What is the appropriate noun and verb for a fracture stimulation? Frac or frack? Frack looks ugly (I’m sure American) but Google lists millions of entries for frack but only thousands for frac so I guess we had better fall into line too.
Our website and emails are back
Apologies to anyone trying to view the website or email over the last couple of days while everything was down. Thankfully we are back on track now.
The Quest by Daniel Yergin
Daniel Yergin is well-known as a global energy guru, founder of Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) and author of The Prize, the Pulitzer Prize winning history of the oil industry. He has now produced an even more ambitious book, The Quest. Energy, Security and the Remaking of the Modern World. This latest work covers not […]
World Gas Conference 2012
Looking forward to the World Gas Conference 4-8 June in Kuala Lumpur where I’ll be chairing the session: Asia Gas Market No. 1? http://www.wgc2012.com/conference/conference-programme/technical-programme-day-by-day.html
NSW will pay a high price for stalling o...
Domestic gas development is not likely to get much of a look-in at this week’s APPEA Conference. The focus is likely to be on Australia’s progress towards becoming the world’s largest LNG exporter. However one domestic issue that is clearly on the mind of APPEA Chairman and Santos CEO David Knox, and Michael Fraser AGL […]
Hydraulic fracturing 101
There is a useful article on hydraulic fracturing risk in the April 2012 issue of the Journal of Petroleum Technology. http://editiondigital.net/publication/?i=104913 Sub titled: “What every politician, environmentalist, regulator, reporter, investor, university researcher, neighbour and engineer should know about hydraulic fracturing risk”.
Will the United States be a top 5 LNG ex...
In a recent survey by LNG Global asking the question, “Will the United States be a top 5 LNG exporting nation in the year 2020?”, the responses were: Yes: 53% No: 47%
Will Australia be the world’s top LNG ex
In a recent survey by LNG Global asking the question, “Will Australia be the world’s top LNG exporting nation in the year 2020?”, the responses were:Yes: 62.5%No: 37.5%
Gladstone, site of mega LNG development
Gladstone in Queensland is currently the site of three LNG projects under construction, with a fourth likely to follow. I spent a very interesting week there last week looking at the projects, talking to the proponents and also talking to the locals. There will be full details in our February EnergyQuarterly, together with full production and […]
Food and fuel security
The rapid growth of coal seam gas in Queensland and NSW has led to claims that this development threatens Australia’s food security. This note attempts to bring together some of the basic facts. Individual communities rightly want to ensure that CSG development does not undermine their existing agricultural industries over the long-term. However, overall Australia […]