
There is intense pressure on government agencies to keep up with the energy industry developments, and provide a robust investment environment to attract investors.

EnergyQuest’s experience in the industry, and fact-based analysis has provided government agencies with the tools to make important policy, regulatory and broader strategic decisions.

Case Studies:

  • East Coast Government Agency – Gas to Market Infrastructure. The agency wanted to better understand the key barriers to the development of gas resources and identify options to facilitate new gas supplies for the eastern gas market. The analysis provided by EnergyQuest combined detailed in-house gas industry knowledge, with an extensive consultation with 30 industry stakeholders. The approach included a literature review, targeted consultation with industry stakeholders, analysis of the results, and recommendations to the government to support gas resource investment.
  • Review of international gas reserve and resource reporting standards-This report, undertaken for an energy regulator, reviewed reporting standards for gas reserves in Australia, the UK, the USA and Canada.