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EnergyQuarterly September 2022: Please c...

EnergyQuest has just released its September 2022 EnergyQuarterly  report with comprehensive analysis and data for the June Quarter, 2022 together with many statistics for July and into August.  There seem to be energy crises all around the world at present, driven by freak weather, the Ukraine war, COVID and botched decarbonisation. Global gas prices have outrun oil on an energy-equivalent basis. […]

Gas market update

On 9 December EnergyQuest CEO Graeme Bethune gave an east coast gas market update presentation to the SA Department for Energy and Mining’s annual Oil and Gas Roundtable. A copy of the presentation can be accessed below.

EnergyQuarterly September 2021. Mega-dea...

The September 2021 EnergyQuarterly report has just been released, with comprehensive Australian energy data for the June Quarter 2021 and the 2021 Financial Year plus analysis of the latest developments.  The cover story is the proposed Woodside-BHP Petroleum and Santos-Oil Search deals. The report analyses the  drivers for both Woodside and Santos and BHP’s rationale in disposing of a business which they have had […]

EnergyQuest Australian LNG Monthly Janua...

EnergyQuest has just released its Australian LNG Monthly for January 2021. Some of the highlights are: Notwithstanding COVID-19, LNG imports by North Asian countries (including Taiwan) increased by 2.5% to a total of 200.3 Mt LNG in 2020, 4.8 Mt higher than in 2019 when 195.5 Mt was imported.  China remains far and away the world’s largest gas importer, well ahead of number two, Germany and number three, Japan. […]