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EnergyQuarterly Report

The EnergyQuarterly is an independent and comprehensive 160 page update on Australian energy, utilising EnergyQuest’s proprietary statistical data bases. Each quarter the report analyses: Major current issues in both global and Australian energy. East coast gas market. East coast electricity market. Western Australia energy market. Renewables developments. Energy prices. Oil and gas exploration. Energy politics […]

EnergyQuarterly Report – March 2024

EnergyQuest has just released its March 2024 EnergyQuarterly report with comprehensive analysis and data for the December Quarter, 2023 together with comments and data of breaking news. Exploration: the fading frontier Australia’s petroleum production peaked in 2022, and decreased by 18 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe) in 2023. One clear reason why Australian production […]

East Coast Gas Outlook 2023

EnergyQuest has released its fifth annual analysis of the east coast gas industry. The outlook for the east coast gas industry is one of great uncertainty. The potential for large swings from balanced supply/demand, to tight supply, to the long term possibility of over supply foretells an industry roller coaster ride ahead. At 314 pages […]

West Coast Gas Outlook 2023

EnergyQuest’s West Coast Gas Outlook 2023 brings together the most comprehensive data, forecasts, and analysis available on the Western Australian domestic gas market. This 188-page report examines the historical, current, and potential future state of a market which has been accustomed to low prices and plentiful supply but is now seeing the opposite. We assess […]

EnergyQuarterly March 2023: the governme...

EnergyQuest has just released its March 2023 EnergyQuarterly  report with comprehensive analysis and data for the December Quarter, 2022 together with many statistics and analysis for January and and February 2023.  A major theme of this report is the federal government’s proposed takeover of the east coast gas market, throwing out the OECD gas market rule book with a move to […]